Tag Archives: information

A Newspaper of Tweets?

Click the icon to visit paper.li.

I follow Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher on Twitter, along with her other 29,000+ followers! Here was one of her tweets today:

The Cool Cat Teacher Daily Tweetpaper is out! http://vsb.li/wgtdwK.

So, I clicked on her link and found her daily newspaper compiled completely from her tweets!  I said to myself, “How did she do that?”  Then, I did what any 21st century educator would do, I went to my Google search bar and typed, “How do you create a Twitter newspaper?”  Within seconds (and I seriously mean seconds), I had discovered paper.li, created an account, and published my first Tweet Paper.  🙂

New to Twitter? Click the icon above to read my blog post to get you oriented with Tweeting!

Paper.li is a free service that takes links from the people you follow on Twitter and organizes those links into a virtual paper for easy reading.  Plus, it is incredibly simple to create an account.  Sign into paper.li with your Twitter account, and you are ready to publish.

After I had published my first paper, I realized that you might not be interested in some of the musicians, politicians, or athletes I follow, so my first paper really isn’t a great example of a good instructional paper.  But…that is how you learn.  I quickly discovered that I can publish a paper based only on my own tweets,  from those I follow, from specific tags, or even create my own custom paper. So, I went back to my settings and customized my sources.  The result:  my second paper is more specialized to education and instruction.

Another feature I really like about the paper is that the original tweeter’s name appears under each post, so the source is transparent.  I am going to continue to play with the settings, but I can already tell a difference between the content of my first and second editions.

Here’s it is.  What do you think?

Click the photo to visit my online tweet paper.

Then, I began to imagine the possibilities for classrooms and school districts!

What if, you tweeted a series of web pages, videos, articles, etc. on a certain topic, and then your students read your Tweet Paper for the day to get information.

Even better…what if students tweeted information they found on the web that coincided with concepts, topics, and units they were studying.  They could peer review Tweet Papers, choose favorite resources, and explore topics in a way we have not done so before.  A Tweet Paper might even be the foundational piece of assessing student understanding.  By asking, What did you learn from this video?, or Why did you tweet this article?, we can have our students articulate their reasoning through analysis and evaluation.  Excited yet?

If you are interested in subscribing to my Tweet Paper, click on the icon to visit my paper.

What about our instructional leaders, curriculum folks, and instructional technology specialists out there?

Paper.li is the perfect resource to provide teachers, principals, and other stakeholders with the latest and greatest information pertinent to their needs.  If your focus is the Common Core, go out there and tweet away.  If you are looking for literacy resources, find them and tweet them.  The great thing about your tweet paper is that you can create a new one each day, and each of your old papers is archived by date, so you can recall them at any time.  You can change hashtags, authors, or even who you follow to create a customized experience for your readers.

I can’t wait to get my morning paper!

How cool is that?  Are you ready to create your tweet paper?

Once you get started, if you are interested in more advance options, paper.li has a great FAQ and support page.

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